Thursday, April 24, 2014

Did Oprah's Mom Out Her as a Hypocritical Lesbian?

Did Oprah's Mom Out Her as a Hypocritical Lesbian?

I’ve always had my doubts about Oprah Gail Winfrey.

Widely regarded as God’s greatest gift to American television and to women the world over because of her empathetic, ultra-sensitive regard for women and the planet as well as for her unprecedented achievements as a black media mogul, talk show hostess, actress, producer, and philanthropist who overcame childhood horrors to become the wealthiest and most influential African-American woman on Earth, Oprah Winfrey is a fraud.

Outrageous, you say?  Well, perhaps, but then again, her mother thinks she is a fraud, and worse, and that must count for something, no?

In a two-part, first-ever interview–conducted with the U.K.’s Daily Mail since no American publication would dare print an interview painting iconic Oprah as a phony–Barbara Winfrey who married Oprah’s father Vernon in 2000 with Oprah very visibly in attendance, spilled her guts on everything she could think of.

She cited Oprah’s complaints about her scratchy bed sheets and small coffee cups, her famous stepdaughter’s rude and callous behavior, her “bizarre” relationships with Gayle King and Stedman Graham, and her command to Barbara on the latter’s 64th birthday, “You say I never talk to you.  I’m talking to  you now. You have until Monday to get out of MY house,” the same house Oprah pretended to buy for Barbara and Vernon yet deviously kept her own name on the deed so she could evict her in the future.

Of course, some stepmoms have been known to morph into stepmonsters over time and a clear strain of bitterness clearly permeates her interview.  How much those emotions are justified is conjectural but, since Barbara refused to sign Oprah’s mandatory confidentiality agreement and since she will soon be homeless, she felt free as a bird to finally speak her mind and expose Oprah’s dirty wash, although she pulls her punches regarding her daughter-in-law’s, ahem, “unhealthy” relationships.

And, Oprah’s wash is extremely dirty, much dirtier than could be expected considering she holds such an iconic status among some segments of Americans who gullibly think their icon is above reproach. . . (Read more at

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