Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"X-Men" and America's X-Rated Entertainment Industry--Part Two (Graphic!)

"X-Men" and America's X-Rated Entertainment Industry--Part Two (Graphic!)

Part One of this series took a brief look at Hollywood’s sordid past as preface to the latest demonstration of that seaminess–the blockbuster charges and lawsuit filed by former child model and aspiring actor Michael Egan III against “X-Men” director and  proud homosexual Bryan Singer.

Now that Mr. Egan has cited in his federal lawsuit three additional men who also, always allegedly, sexually abused him and others back in 1999, the implications of his charges gain more credibility at the same time they help explain the putrid, sex-obsessed, gay-fixated state of entertainment today.

The newly-named, accused pedophiles–former BBC Worldwide America president head of programming at Fox, NBC and the WB, Garth Ancier, ex-Disney boss and Digital Entertainment Network exec David Neuman, and Broadway producer and Universal Studios theme park creator Gary Goddard–are or were three of the most powerful individuals in the entertainment industry and therefore well able to tailor programming, indeed, everything fed to Americans on movie and television screens and Broadway stages, to their tastes.

The expanded scope of Egan’s allegations and their implications have, naturally, ignited even greater interest among the defenders of the entertainment status quo.

Variety.com reports that, “As with the suit against Singer, Egan made four claims against each of the three execs–intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault, battery and invasion of privacy by unreasonable intrusion. Each of the suits recounted in explicit detail the sexual acts that took allegedly place between Egan and each of the men in Hawaii in 1999.”

Variety doesn’t reveal those explicit details, leaving readers to use their imaginations concerning what grown, lustful men inclined to pederasty would do to vulnerable, immature boys under their control.  Variety did, however, quote Egan as saying, “I would not wish on my worst enemies what I went through.  Somebody has to stand up to these people.”

With far fewer compunctions, RadarOnline.com went graphic in its report on Egan’s suit against the former Disney head honcho and the other two additions to the lawsuit.

Radar reported the salacious lawsuit language verbatim including: “On an occasion by the swimming pool at the Estate, Defendant Anicer attempted to fondle and kiss Plaintiff’s genitals without Plaintiff’s consent.”  Defendant Anicer also “pinned the Plaintiff, and forcefully and nonconsenually orally copulated him. . . Defendant Ancier forcibly sodomized Plaintiff against his will,” forced Egan to masturbate his penis after which “defendant Ancier ejaculated onto Plaintiff’s body.”

Radar also detailed the charges against Goddard and Neuman . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=36752.)

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