Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Punishing Donald Sterling

Punishing Donald Sterling

In “Clippers’ Owner Donald Sterling’s Rant Wasn’t Racist,” posted here on 4-28-2014, I posited my considered opinion that what the white, aged owner of the L.A. Clippers ranted to his half-black, young hottie paramour, V. Stiviano, didn’t really qualify as racist but, rather, reflected an old man’s mindless jealousy and, yes, an obvious lack of affection for African-Americans in general.

Last I heard, jealousy, even mindless jealousy, are fairly common human emotions as is liking or disliking any particular individual or group and neither rises to the level of a criminal offense.

However, very obviously, the new National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver feels very differently, based on his Tuesday announcement that Sterling will be suspended for life from the NBA in addition to being fined $2.5 million for the allegedly racist comments he made which were somehow captured and published by the notoriously sensationalistic, gossipy in a recorded audio clip.

Silver went even further than a life suspension and a hefty fine by vowing he would “do everything in my power” to force the sale of the Clippers and he waxed absolutely vindictive by adding, “The hateful opinions voiced by that man are those of Mr. Sterling. The views expressed by Mr. Sterling are deeply offensive and harmful.”

For good measure, Silver clarified his edict: “I am banning Mr. Sterling for life from any association with the Clippers association or the NBA. Mr. Sterling may not attend any NBA games or practices, he may not be present at any Clippers facility, and he may not participate in any business or decisions involving the team.”

(In a demonstration of unbounded mercy, the commissioner didn’t forbid the soon-to-be former owner to watch Clippers’ games on television.)

Now, billionaire Donald Tokowitz Sterling may indeed be a dyed-in-the-wool racist, as well as a repulsive human being who seems to have reneged on a 2006 pledge to assist the homeless in Los Angeles.  In addition, he has been sued for racial discrimination in apartments he owns and by various employees and he is undoubtedly the most niggardly team owner in the NBA.

Nevertheless, Silver’s draconian punishment is overkill and could, quite possibly, expose his league . . . (Read more at

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