Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza's "America"

Dinesh D'Souza's "America"

Naturalized American citizen, Dinesh D’Souza, who clearly has more love for our country than many natural born citizens–and is certainly more patriotic than the vast majority of liberal leftists–is ready to release his latest documentary, fittingly on July Fourth.

Titled, simply, “America,” the film is not precisely a sequel to his phenomenally successful, “2016: Obama’s America” (2012), the second-highest-grossing political documentary ever, though it is definitely thematically related.  As D’Souza said of his new production, “We answer the central moral challenge of America’s critics, which is that America’s greatness is based on theft, plunder and oppression.”

And, Dinesh D’Souza must be well acquainted with oppression.

Less than two years after “2016: Obama’s America” scored big time at box offices, he was indicted on federal charges of campaign finance fraud. 

Quickly released on an exorbitant $500,000 bond, he still faces a maximum of two years in prison for allegedly donating more than $20,000 to the unsuccessful 2012 GOP Senate campaign of longtime friend Wendy Long, plus an additional five years “for causing false statements to be made to the Federal Election Commission in connection with those contributions.”

Evidently, criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama can be both expensive and dangerous. . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=36917.)

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