Friday, September 5, 2014

Let's Forget 9/11, For Now

Let's Forget 9/11, For Now

As the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Americans would have thought and hoped that all questions regarding that day of infamy visited upon America by Islamic extremists, its causes, circumstances, and perpetrators, would have been resolved.

Amazingly, while the United States impotently awaits the next Muslim attack presaged by dire warnings from our government that increased Internet chatter is indicative that even worse, deadlier destruction lurks on the near horizon than we witnessed in 2001, we still don’t fully understand everything concerning about how and why 9/11 happened.

And, as critical as the answers may be, we probably will never know all the answers.

As with the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln a century and a half ago, Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy fifty-one years ago, nagging doubts, confusion, and conspiratorial suspicions about 9/11 still abound.

Who knew what and when did they know it?

Did President Bill Clinton miss multiple opportunities to kill Usama bin Laden?  Was President George W. Bush aware of the severity of al-Qaeda’s threats yet allowed the attacks?  Did WTC Building 7 implode as a result of pre-planted explosives and not from shock waves from the nearby impacts of fuel-laden airliners?  Were Israelis gleefully and safely watching from a rooftop as the disaster unfolded?  Why did the North American Aerospace Defense Command fighter jets not respond in time?  Why did the 9/11 Commission neglect to interview pertinent witnesses? 

Was the whole sickening event actually orchestrated by maniacs in our government intent on instigating a national panic?

The causes of national tragedies tend to take on lives of their own but, in the case of the most horrific assault ever on American soil, there would seem to be little reason for the continuing debate on 9/11 since it has been exhaustively investigated like no other.

Based on the fact previous national tragedies have yet to be fully explained, at this point in time, none of that is relevant today . . . (Read more at

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