Saturday, September 13, 2014

Islam's Culture of Rape and Violence

Islam's Culture of Rape and Violence

Fourteen centuries ago, Islam’s founder, the “holy” Prophet Muhammad, set the standard for his religion’s treatment of young girls and women when he married young Aisha when he was in his fifties.

One of his many wives, Aisha was all of six or seven years old at the time although she supposedly remained with her parents until she attained the unripe age of nine or ten when her marriage to Muhammad was consummated in the holy city of Medina. 

Aisha ultimately evolved into the ”Mother of the Believers,” according to Islam’s holy Quran. Today, she might be classified in some quarters as a “baby momma.”

Although marriages of young girls to elderly men in ancient times weren’t extremely unusual, nowadays such practices are regarded and punishable as child abuse and pedophilia in most cultures, except in Muslim-dominated societies where they are considered normal and legal under sharia law.

However, some contemporary followers of Muhammad, in accord with the Quran’s teachings that females are second class  creatures who deserve fewer rights and respect than animals and are generally seen as lower life forms as evidenced by Muslim men who frequently treat women and girls with outright contempt.

And, what could be more contemptuous than subjecting them to rape and even gang rape as a matter of either public policy or societal acceptance?

Quarnic teachings with respect to women can be ambivalent and confusing, a fact that plays a major role in Muslim treatment of the fair sex and even raping them.

On the one hand, the sex-obsessed Quran preaches gender equality, although males are described as” a degree above females,” which seems anything but equal.

That one degree is noteworthy since the Quran is filled with reminders that men are superior to women in the home and under the law: Husbands are free to dictate their wives’ bedroom behavior, marry as often as they want, and divorce their wives in part because women (and their children) are the guileful enemies men and their wives are “unclean,” especially during and after menstruating when they should be shunned like the plague.

Legally, women are considered worth half the value of men, are required to produce four male witnesses if they claim they were raped, are permitted to have only one husband at a time, are entitled to just half their rightful inheritances, must obey their husbands and, if they refuse sex or disobey, must be beaten into submission.

Despite Islam’s pretensions of moral rectitude, the religion of peace is neither moral nor peaceful as demonstrated by the applications of Quranic principles to the people Muslims defeat in war and by the interminable, bloody wars in which the followers of Muhammad engaged both under the leasership of their warrior prophet and after his death and the Crusades. . . (Read more at

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