Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Goodells, Roger and Charlie

The Goodells, Roger and Charlie

National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell has proven the truth of the adage that a nut doesn’t fall far from the family tree.
After ten days of hiding from the press and from NFL fans, Roger emerged from his cocoon and conducted a news conference on Friday in which he emphatically declared, referring to his mishandling of the Ray Rice and other NFL domestic violence scandals, ”The same mistakes can never be repeated” and that he “didn’t get it right” in disciplining Rice and Rice’s fellow accused abusers.

Roger also repeated the blatant lie that no one at the NFL ever saw the TMZ video showing Rice punching his then-fiancée Lanay Palmer in an Atlantic City hotel then dragging and kicking her unconscious body out of an elevator despite the fact that a law enforcement official has said he sent the video of the brutal attack to a league executive some five months ago.

Call it selective memory or CYA, covering your ass, Roger also refused to offer his resignation from his cushy job for which NFL team owners unaccountably compensated him with $44.2 million last year in salary and bonuses. 

Not a bad haul for a guy oblivious of major violations of league rules!

On the other hand, Roger was just following his father’s example who was noted for his failure to live up to expectations.

Charles “Charlie” Goodell, a little-known, moderate Republican  congressman from upstate New York, was  picked  in 1968 by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller to fill the U.S, Senate vacancy following the assassination of Robert Kennedy and quickly switched allegiance from his conservative roots and became a liberal in Rockefeller’s mold. 

He gained the favor of the leftist, anti-Viet Nam War crowd when he evolved virtually overnight into a typical spendthrift Democrat liberal as well as an outspoken pacifist.

He came to be known as the “Christine Jorgensen of the Republican party” and was soundly defeated by conservative James L. Buckley two years later.

During his brief, 22-month  tenure in the Senate, Charlie didn’t undergo a sex change like the famous Jorgenson but he did manage to antagonize many Republicans in the GOP by transforming himself from a generally conservative former congressman into a Rockefeller–Jacob Javits liberal to conform with his patron’s political philosophy by choosing the path of least resistance in the liberal New York Republican Party.

Confirming his radical change, Goodell even won the cross endorsement of New York’s Liberal Party when he ran for election in 1962, finishing third in a 3-man race with a grand total of 24.3% of the vote.

Charlie Goodell’s only son, Roger, likewise failed to fulfill his responsibilities as NFL Commissioner. . . .(Read more at

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