Monday, September 15, 2014

Texas, the Eyes of America Are upon You!

Texas, the Eyes of America Are upon You!

Mexico is upset with America’s Lone Star State and has been upset ever since 1836 when Texas won its independence from Mexico and further humiliated and infuriated Mexicans in 1845 when it was admitted to the Union.  That anger intensified this year when Texas Governor Rick Perry was forced by the American government to dispatch National Guard troops to our, and its, southern border.   How Mexico will react to Texas’ possible secession and independence from the United States is unclear, although it’s unlikely Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto will be very pleased if and when that movement succeeds but his reaction is contingent on various factors.

Some background:

After Texans, then known as Texians, launched and won the hard-fought, bloody Texas Revolution in 1835 and Texas was annexed and granted American statehood a decade later, Mexicans were incensed mainly because they felt the huge territory had been stolen from them, a claim that contradicted the historical reality that Mexico had been soundly defeated and had freely signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
When Texas Governor Perry sent 2,200 National Guardsmen and Women to the border last month, Mexican President Pena Nieto became upset anew and angrily protested the deployment which was taken due to President Barack Hussein Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and protect our nation’s borders.  Perry acted in Teaxas’ interests by bolstering the Border Patrol, many of whom have been functioning as food service workers and virtual nannies to tend to the needs of the flood of tens of thousands of undocumented, i.e. illegal, aliens.

Those lawbreakers, including untold numbers of mostly unaccompanied Central American children, are being dispersed to undisclosed American destinations, their numbers “untold” because the Obama administration has failed to accurately count them and their destinations”undisclosed”  in spite of Obama’s reiterated pledge of unprecedented government transparency.

President Nieto Pena contended that Texas’ deployment of the National Guard was not only “unpleasant” and “reprehensible” but that the border should not be militarized and any issues should be jointly resolved in particular because Perry’s actions could adversely affect bilateral relations. 

In his defense, Gov. Perry has cited the dismal border security which has allowed entry into America of again untold numbers of suspected terrorists, drug traffickers, gang members, and infectious disease carriers, allegations Mexico dismissed without a shred of evidence as “absurd.” 

Something is certainly absurd in this situation.  However, it is not anything Perry has said or done but . . .  (Read more at

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