Monday, September 1, 2014

Obamacare Death Panels Are Alive and Well

Obamacare Death Panels Are Alive and Well
The former “Paper of Record,” the New York Times which enthusiastically endorsed virtually every feature of the greatest scam ever to be foisted on Americans and America’s health care system, is just as enthusiastically touting the glories of Obamacare death panels, the morbid process of  convincing our sickest and most elderly citizens that they are better off dead and shuffling off to the Great Beyond than draining any more of our precious resources.

And, preferably, shuffling off ASAP!

The Times, like other liberal-leftist proponents of President Barack Hussein Obama’s scheme to socialize America’s medical care and treatment in emulation of the UK’s failed, bankrupt National Health Service with all the attendant NHS documented horrors, didn’t see fit to mention those horrors nor did it mention the Times‘ oft-repeated denials that death panels were an integral facet of Obamacare.

After all, why confuse doltish Americans with ugly truths?

Besides, the 2008 GOP vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, had raised a huge stink over Obamacare’s provisions for death panels and was roundly lambasted for her ignorance, so why give her credibility for being absolutely right?

To be sure, the Times‘ article published on Saturday, “Coverage for End-of-Life Talks Gaining Ground” by Pam Belluck, does not describe those conversations between doctors and patients now reimbursed by many Medicare and Medicaid plans as death panels.  

Nor does it attribute the ground-gaining to pressures from Obamacare administrators on doctors and medical facilities to curtail and/or radically increase charges for everything from annual breast exams to prescriptions.

Instead, Belluck credits the avid Obamacare supporter the American Medical Association and cost-conscious insurance companies for agitating in favor of death panels, now deviously and euphemistically called “advanced care planning” since the term “death panels” is so very unsettling and misleading.

Belluck anecdotally cites the sentiments of 80 year old Mary Pat Penell who allegedly told her doctor during her end-of-life discussion, . . . (Read more at

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