Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Abe Lincoln, America's Doomsayer

Abe Lincoln, America's Doomsayer

America’s sixteenth president is remembered for his many outstanding accomplishments although his most significant fears and predictions have long been forgotten in the interplay of personal politics and political expediency.
Assassinated almost a century and a half ago, Abraham Lincoln is usually and rightly credited with preserving the Union and our Constitution while freeing a few slaves from bondage with the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation while his warnings regarding African-Americans have been swept under the filthy rug of political correctness, precisely the raison d’être for all racial commentary.  
Admittedly, to suggest Lincoln was in any way representative of a prophet of doom is inflammatory and anti-American but his remarks before, during, and after the Civil War but, to deny realities, can be more dangerous to America’s future than recognizing them.
According to radical black racist Professor Henry Louis Gates, and multiple other sources, the Great Emancipator was no true emancipator, no abolitionist, no supporter of black civil or human rights, and he certainly disfavored abolitionist calls for integrating slaves and former slaves into white society.
Lincoln did often and publicly oppose expanding slavery into new territories yet he argued against America’s West becoming “an asylum for slavery and niggers.” He thought the constitutional declaration that “All men are created equal” applied only to white men.
Most tellingly, Lincoln fought for the deportation of freed and current slaves to Haiti and Africa so they might live out their futures in environments familiar to their ancestors–and well-distanced from the people who had initially brought them to our shores before they were able to be assimilated because he feared they were culturally unable to achieve assimilation without violence and organized mayhem.
Old Abe’s beliefs that America’s blacks can never be peacefully integrated into our country have now “come home to roost,” in the words of Barack Hussein Obama’s 20-year pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Alvesta “May God Damn America” Wright, Jr., and that prophetic damnation is in sickening progress.
The racial upheavals in the Missouri town of Ferguson and similar locales are the consequences of the disintegrative dry rot that has simmered within black communities nationwide ever since America sacrificed the lives of 620,000 soldiers, partly in order to end slavery. . . (Read more at

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