Monday, October 6, 2014

What Can We Do?

What Can We Do?

The Ebola virus is about to ravage the planet like no other disease has done in many decades.  The Obama administration has been in the process of destroying everything good America has stood for over the past two centuries.  Our nation is more divided into cynical special interests than it has been since the inauguration of the Civil Rights Movement.  Al-Qaida is “looking to do it [attack America] very, very soon.” Up to a half of American schoolkids speak a language other than English at home.  Crime is as rampant as the economy is moribund in our land.  Weapons of mass and personal protection are being banned with mindless vengeance.

And, our First Lady is pissed that kids nationwide have told the Flotus to stick her child obesity guidelines where school lunches don’t shine.

While all those issues represent threats to America’s future, perhaps our greatest danger rests in the fact we are on the verge of deciding whether to continue on with demonstrably government ineptitude and disastrous policies or to hit a re-set and reverse our various national courses, dangerous chiefly because much of the so-called “24-hour news cycle” is lost, consumed with such matters as where crocodiles gather for lunch on the Zambezi and who last discovered she has been a life-long lesbian.

Readers will debate the truth of real news depending on their social and political perspectives, what’s not open to disagreement is the reality that the United States and the world we once dominated are not the same as they were a mere quarter century back. 

Regretably, many Americans and much of the world are perfectly content with the new sea changes which are at variance with what they prefer to acccept as truth.

By all un-emotional standards, America is rapidly deteriorating into the depths of a cowardly, intimidated new world beset by craven politicians. . .

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