Sunday, October 19, 2014

Undeserved Payback Is a Major Bitch!

Undeserved Payback Is a Major Bitch

As every thinking conservative in America reluctantly admits and as every unthinking liberal-leftist in America is proud to concede, our country is far from perfect.

We bought innocent Africans from slave merchants and kept them enslaved for hundreds of years.  We literally ran roughshod over indigenous Indian populations in order to seize their lands for territories we craved.  We imprisoned thousands of decent Japanese-Americans in internment camps during WWII because of the color of their skin.  We discriminated against African-Americans for a century for the same reason.

Of course, along the way, we sacrificed millions of lives, drained our treasury, and surrendered our values in wars and so-called “police actions” while subsidizing the lifestyles of those so ignorant of the past that they somehow are now demanding restitution for their pains.

At least according to many blacks in America, it’s time to rectify our evil history and compensate the future by making amends.

It’s now payback time and whether by reparations, by hook, crook, and crime, or by descendants of slaves, or by non-descendants and blacks dependent on the bounties of freedom we lavished upon them, they will have their revenge! 

As a matter of course, Democrats have charged virtually everyone in and out of sight with racial discrimination whenever riots occur and blacks are injured, convicted, or incarcerated for crimes committed against whites. 

Those greedy exploiters have snared lots of company from the ranks of people in high places to help in their undeserved quest for recompense. 

For example, despite his own multiple scandals, Michigan Democrat congressman Rep. John Conyers has long been his party’s reparations point man.  He has been assisted lately by lesser party lights bent on exacting vengeful, monetary damages through a unique approach to bill collecting: making the taxpayer responsible for America’s alleged legal misdeeds. . . . (Read more at http://ww) .

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