Thursday, October 16, 2014

WE Are Terrorists!

WE Are Terrorists!

In Canto III, line 9 of Dante Alighieri’s 14th century epic love poem the Divine Comedy, Dante passes through the gate of Hell that bears the inscription, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate“, (“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”), a fitting reference to his vision of Hell, “the Inferno,” a place of horrific torture and endless pain reserved for the enemies who had offended him.

Last week on Fox News Radio, the former head honcho of the violent, Weather Underground and Chicago buddy of Barack Hussein “Barry” Obama, Bill Ayers, expressed his radical opinion that America, the country he betrayed and which forgave his betrayal, is a terrorist nation responsible for creating bloodthirsty groups like ISIS committed to America’s destruction.

In view of his past and current contempt for our country, it’s regrettable that William Charles “Bill” Ayers has yet to suffer the exquisite horrors of Dante’s “Inferno.”

The 71 year old “counterculturist,” (a euphemism for terrorist), is notorious among law enforcement authorities although he is much less known in public circles for his 1960′s activism retired from the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

There he held the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar, positions conferred on him despite his unapologetic involvement with the Weathermen, a terroristic, Communist, revolutionary group that boasted of bombing municipal buildings, police stations, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon in the midst of the Vietnamese War.

You see, bombings and inciting chaos are invariably forgivable and then rewarded by America’s education elitists as long they are committed to exposing supposed American military atrocities or condemning alleged public hypocrisy and unrelated to America’s efforts to sacrifice the lives of tens of thousands troops in the name of preserving our future way of life.

In any event, asked by Allan Colmes whether Americans were also terrorists, . . .(Read more at

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