Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ebola--Obama's Deadly Politically-Correct Disease

Ebola--Obama's Deadly Politically-Correct Disease

Over a month ago, I published two articles in this space on the subject of the Ebola virus, the first titled, “Ebola–Obama’s Latest Gift to America” and the second a few weeks later titled, “Ebola Spreading Uncontrollably.”

I intended the first piece as a sarcastic indictment of President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration’s ineptitude in dealing with a potential pandemic and concluded by writing, “The poor guy may just stay home in our White House, watch CNN, pray to Allah, and gleefully watch the body count.”

In the second I noted that, “To suggest the Ebola virus could very well and not in the distant future, reach and infect perhaps millions in America may be unnecessarily alarmist but such a suggestion could also reflect a reasonable doubt that Ebola researchers and physicians completely grasp its dangers or, for that matter, whether information as to its proliferation would even be publicized to suppress panic.”
Unfortunately but predictably, both articles are proving to have been all too prophetic and, though the causes are complex, their validity can be attributed mostly to the president’s obsession with political correctness and the attendant P.C. corollaries of self-defensive insecurities that supplement them. 

How else do we explain Obama’s repeatedly denigrating the critical interests of the nation he supposedly represents in service to foreign people and countries who present major threats and dangers to America but by an innate fear of offending them? 

Now that Brtain’s Daily Mail has dared to front-page the news that most people already expected, namely that Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special  Representative, has admitted a “nightmare” prospect that the Ebola virus could  easily become airborne instead of only being spread by bodily fluids as heretofore thought, compounded by officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention refusal to divulge any details on precise steps being adopted to contain the disease, suspicions are increasing that panic has set in. 

None of that news will influence President Obama’s P.C. approach toward controlling its spread but it all can mean that the simple act of breathing may soon become sufficient to communicate the most dangerous epidemic seen on our planet in many years.

As a fundamentally Christian country, . . . (Read more at

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