Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Newsday's Lane Filler's Toxic Religious Bigotry

Newsday's Lane Filler's Toxic Religious Bigotry

Lane Filler has been a member of the Newsday editorial board since 2010, during which time he has never been too shy to express his controversial views on what’s wrong with America and his remedies for curing those flaws.

In defending Robin William’s September suicide, Filler wrote recently that, “If we believe mature adults [but not young people] are the best judges of how they ought to live, aren’t they also the experts on whether they ought to live? We could stop judging so harshly the act of suicide. We could listen to the cries of pain and, perhaps, even believe them.” 

Last July, he attacked our country for our mean-spirited policies of restricting the mass invasion by uncounted, unaccompanied children across America’s southern border, asking, “What is the purpose of America? And what is the meaning of life?”
Aside from his apparent ignorance regarding America’s “purpose” and the tangential relevance of life’s meaning, Filler revealed an abject disregard for both our national territorial integrity and our essential national character in those two articles, themes he carried to another extreme in “Why Conservatives Can’t Balk at Same-sex Marriage.”

Written from his jaded point of view as a confirmed liberal-leftist, the latter piece exposed Filler as an anti-Christian zealot who can’t seem to distinguish between long-established conservative dogma and irrationality.

For example, he wrote that, “If you care that consenting adults can get married, regardless of their genders or colors or sexual proclivities, you’re not really a conservative. You use the term to describe yourself because you think some people will favor it, like when people on dating sites call themselves ‘adventurous’ and that ”Real adventurers meet new lovers at zip-lining conventions, or even prayer marathons, not online in chat rooms. And real conservatives don’t care what consenting adults do with their money or lungs or genitals if it does not intrude on the liberty of others.”

Perhaps to arrogantly emphasize his bigotry, Filler felt compelled to add, ”But worse than the ‘conservatives’ who think your freedom ends when you want to do something they find icky are the ones who would truly pervert the Constitution to fight what they see as perversion.”

Now, as a non-adventurist Christian conservative, I can’t take issue with Filler’s inalienable right to spout blatant misrepresentations and distortions though I won’t defend to the death his authority to so spout them. 

However, considering the facts he hails from a Jewish heritage background and is a liberal-leftist to boot, . . . (Read more at

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