Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ronaldus Magnus' Past Words Nailed America's Future

Ronaldus Magnus' Past Words Nailed America's Future


Love him or hate him, America’s 40th president Ronald Wilson Reagan possessed an uncanny ability to unite a people in disarray at the same time he was capable of capturing the essence of the most dangerous threats to our nation’s future prosperity and very existence.
To be sure, those and Reagan’s other major achievements didn’t come easily since his many foes in the Democrat Party and their mainstream media marshaled all their considerable forces to ridicule and defeat him so that they could continue to foster the same policies that had driven America to the brink of economic, moral, and social collapse by 1980.

That scenario and its consequences are being replicated today mainly because we failed to really listen to and understand his common sense warnings.

For example, long before America’s streets devolved into violent cesspools, long before our national defenses became farcical excuses national security, long before our health systems care deteriorated into pale imitations of what health care used to be, long before our public schools and colleges turned into institutions of political-correctness, and even long before President Barack Hussein Obama began to rapidly accelerate our decline, Ronald Reagan foretold what lay ahead for us as a nation and as a unified people.
And, again, few people cared enough to pay attention. has listed some but far from all of the more significant views Reagan held and predicted about America: . . .  (Read more at

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