Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jesse Dirkhising Would be 28 Today

Jesse Dirkhising Would be 28 Today

Fifteen years ago, 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising was raped, tortured, and suffocated to death by two sadistic pedophiles after they had drugged, gagged and brutally sodomized him in Rogers, Arkansas.

Jesse was an innocent victim of his maniacal assailants, unlike Matthew Shepard, a homosexual victim of two drunken  perverts who was picked up in a Wyoming tavern before he was robbed, beaten, and left to die tied to a frozen fencepost. 

It’s beyond shameful that Jesse has been virtually ignored in the intervening years while Matthew’s memory has been enshrined with a hate crime law apparently designed to raise awareness of societal discrimination against homosexuals. 

That situation certainly exists but is rooted not nearly as much in hateful gay bashing as in recognition of the reality that gays today are actively recruiting America’s youth into their lifestyle.  

Supplementing dozens of posts related to out-of-control homosexual  seduction, recruiting, and convincing, . . . (Read more at

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Degeneracy of Dirty Dave Letterman

The Degeneracy of Dirty Dave Letterman

Dave Letterman seemed the victor in the late-night comedy war when NBC forced Jay Leno into premature retirement after 17 years on “The Tonight Show,” a prime spot the aging Letterman had publicly and bitterly envied.

Dirty Dave may have won that war but he is still and always will be Good Ol’ Dirty Dave.

Scheduled to retire himself next May, last Wednesday Letterman was involved in a brouhaha with his long-time cue card guy Tony Mendez who was peremptorily fired and escorted from the Ed Sullivan Theater for assaulting a staff writer, Bill Sheft.

Though loyal in defending his boss as unresponsible in the mess, Mendez did react when Letterman complained, “Tony, your sour disposition isn’t helping,” a cutting rebuke to which Mendez ­responded, “You’re the one who has the sour disposition, mothf–ker’’ and later explained he was “pissed off” but “That’s how we talk.”

Degeneracy is a harsh term but how else do we define someone who:

–Seduces his 20-ish favorite intern Stephanie Birkitt before and after finally marrying his long-term mistress and mother of his son, Harry, Regina Lasko.

–Refers to a vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, as a “slutty flight attendant.” . . . (Read more at

Thursday, October 23, 2014

No Time for White Guilt Syndrome

No Time for White Guilt Syndrome

Many Americans attribute Barack Hussein Obama’s electoral victory in 2008 to the after-effects of white guilt, a sense of collective responsibility for the national sin of slavery even though that institution had been abolished more than 150 years earlier and despite the fact no living American had any direct involvement in either the slave trade or its consequences on blacks.

Those suffering from the white guilt syndrome helped re-elect Obama in 2012 for much the same reasons, reasons which were misplaced and ironic considering that the president went on to become the most racist chief executive as well as the most racially divisive president in America’s history. . . (Read more at

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Connecting Logical Dots

Connecting Logical Dots

Kids love connecting the dots, the same, simple game many adults can’t quite figure out especially when the dots make sense.

Well, there are no real dots to connect in our illogical world but try connecting some logical dots anyway–without cheating or the Thought Police will come and take you away! 


President Barack Hussein Obama is an abject failure yet he still has a 40% approval rating, albeit among low-information voters.  Is his continuing if relative popularity connected to the fact those voters would vote for him if he hated America?

The ebola virus is spreading like the plague it is yet America is being told not to panic since the president isn’t panicking at all.  Are all the warnings the product of someone’s wild imagination and subservience of bureaucrats?


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Undeserved Payback Is a Major Bitch!

Undeserved Payback Is a Major Bitch

As every thinking conservative in America reluctantly admits and as every unthinking liberal-leftist in America is proud to concede, our country is far from perfect.

We bought innocent Africans from slave merchants and kept them enslaved for hundreds of years.  We literally ran roughshod over indigenous Indian populations in order to seize their lands for territories we craved.  We imprisoned thousands of decent Japanese-Americans in internment camps during WWII because of the color of their skin.  We discriminated against African-Americans for a century for the same reason.

Of course, along the way, we sacrificed millions of lives, drained our treasury, and surrendered our values in wars and so-called “police actions” while subsidizing the lifestyles of those so ignorant of the past that they somehow are now demanding restitution for their pains.

At least according to many blacks in America, it’s time to rectify our evil history and compensate the future by making amends.

It’s now payback time and whether by reparations, by hook, crook, and crime, or by descendants of slaves, or by non-descendants and blacks dependent on the bounties of freedom we lavished upon them, they will have their revenge! 

As a matter of course, Democrats have charged virtually everyone in and out of sight with racial discrimination whenever riots occur and blacks are injured, convicted, or incarcerated for crimes committed against whites. 

Those greedy exploiters have snared lots of company from the ranks of people in high places to help in their undeserved quest for recompense. 

For example, despite his own multiple scandals, Michigan Democrat congressman Rep. John Conyers has long been his party’s reparations point man.  He has been assisted lately by lesser party lights bent on exacting vengeful, monetary damages through a unique approach to bill collecting: making the taxpayer responsible for America’s alleged legal misdeeds. . . . (Read more at http://ww) .

Thursday, October 16, 2014

WE Are Terrorists!

WE Are Terrorists!

In Canto III, line 9 of Dante Alighieri’s 14th century epic love poem the Divine Comedy, Dante passes through the gate of Hell that bears the inscription, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate“, (“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”), a fitting reference to his vision of Hell, “the Inferno,” a place of horrific torture and endless pain reserved for the enemies who had offended him.

Last week on Fox News Radio, the former head honcho of the violent, Weather Underground and Chicago buddy of Barack Hussein “Barry” Obama, Bill Ayers, expressed his radical opinion that America, the country he betrayed and which forgave his betrayal, is a terrorist nation responsible for creating bloodthirsty groups like ISIS committed to America’s destruction.

In view of his past and current contempt for our country, it’s regrettable that William Charles “Bill” Ayers has yet to suffer the exquisite horrors of Dante’s “Inferno.”

The 71 year old “counterculturist,” (a euphemism for terrorist), is notorious among law enforcement authorities although he is much less known in public circles for his 1960′s activism retired from the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

There he held the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar, positions conferred on him despite his unapologetic involvement with the Weathermen, a terroristic, Communist, revolutionary group that boasted of bombing municipal buildings, police stations, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon in the midst of the Vietnamese War.

You see, bombings and inciting chaos are invariably forgivable and then rewarded by America’s education elitists as long they are committed to exposing supposed American military atrocities or condemning alleged public hypocrisy and unrelated to America’s efforts to sacrifice the lives of tens of thousands troops in the name of preserving our future way of life.

In any event, asked by Allan Colmes whether Americans were also terrorists, . . .(Read more at

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Abe Lincoln, America's Doomsayer

Abe Lincoln, America's Doomsayer

America’s sixteenth president is remembered for his many outstanding accomplishments although his most significant fears and predictions have long been forgotten in the interplay of personal politics and political expediency.
Assassinated almost a century and a half ago, Abraham Lincoln is usually and rightly credited with preserving the Union and our Constitution while freeing a few slaves from bondage with the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation while his warnings regarding African-Americans have been swept under the filthy rug of political correctness, precisely the raison d’ĂȘtre for all racial commentary.  
Admittedly, to suggest Lincoln was in any way representative of a prophet of doom is inflammatory and anti-American but his remarks before, during, and after the Civil War but, to deny realities, can be more dangerous to America’s future than recognizing them.
According to radical black racist Professor Henry Louis Gates, and multiple other sources, the Great Emancipator was no true emancipator, no abolitionist, no supporter of black civil or human rights, and he certainly disfavored abolitionist calls for integrating slaves and former slaves into white society.
Lincoln did often and publicly oppose expanding slavery into new territories yet he argued against America’s West becoming “an asylum for slavery and niggers.” He thought the constitutional declaration that “All men are created equal” applied only to white men.
Most tellingly, Lincoln fought for the deportation of freed and current slaves to Haiti and Africa so they might live out their futures in environments familiar to their ancestors–and well-distanced from the people who had initially brought them to our shores before they were able to be assimilated because he feared they were culturally unable to achieve assimilation without violence and organized mayhem.
Old Abe’s beliefs that America’s blacks can never be peacefully integrated into our country have now “come home to roost,” in the words of Barack Hussein Obama’s 20-year pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Alvesta “May God Damn America” Wright, Jr., and that prophetic damnation is in sickening progress.
The racial upheavals in the Missouri town of Ferguson and similar locales are the consequences of the disintegrative dry rot that has simmered within black communities nationwide ever since America sacrificed the lives of 620,000 soldiers, partly in order to end slavery. . . (Read more at