Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Elliott Rodger, Angry Gay Gone Wild?

Elliott Rodger, Angry Gay Gone Wild?

The answer to the random, crazed murders committed by “the kissless virgin” Elliott Rodger last Friday in Isla Vista just might be that he was in the homosexual closet and didn’t realize it.

In a typically-venomous reaction to that hypothesis,’s Mark Joesph Stern, who specializes in articles ripping alleged homophobes, reviled noted psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig for “spinning out a novel theory of the murderer’s motives” on Fox News.

Stern went on to fume, “It is perfectly reasonable to react to this bizarre conjecture with outrage and disgust. Ample evidence had, by that point, already illustrated that the shootings were committed by a man who craved sex with women but couldn’t obtain it. Ludwig’s claim, then, is totally baseless, leaving us to wonder whether her comments were motivated less by professional expertise than by anti-gay animus.”

Dr. Ludwig’s outrageous and disgusting theory was far less vitriolic and far more objectively analytical than Stern’s: “When I was first listening to him, I was like, ‘Oh, he’s angry with women for rejecting him.’ And then I started to have a different idea: Is this somebody who is trying to fight against his homosexual impulses? Was he angry with women because they were taking away men from him?”

Unlike Stern or Ludwig, I wouldn’t presume to analyze poor Elliott’s psyche since anything he said or wrote in his “manifesto” and elsewhere must be taken in the context of a madman, although his murderous anger was all but palpable. 

That palpability is impossible to explain based simply on his failure to ever have sex, a girlfriend, or even a kiss by a girl over the course of his twenty-two years.

Considering America’s hyper-sexual culture and especially considering that hook-ups, a euphemism for the bed-hopping that seems to be endemic on college campuses today, why couldn’t an attractive, albeit effeminate-looking, kid who drove a luxury Beemer score or, at the very least, find a girl to date and give him a goodnight kiss?

Indeed, Elliott had innumerable reasons to be pissed at the world, none of which would account for a normal individual randomly slaughtering six innocent people, including repeatedly knifing to death his three male roommates, and wounding more than a dozen others. . . (Read more at

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