Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ending the America We Know and Love (Part Two)

Ending the America We Know and Love (Part Two)

We have been conditioned by our progressive president and his lap dog, mainstream media to believe that the massive explosion of black violence is really an illusion concocted by white racists. 

Although it is difficult tell from most media, those often savage attacks are on the rise in America and, along with the acceptance of rampant homosexuality and legalized abortion, are unmistakable evidence of the moral decay now destroying our country.

In truth, the only illusion regarding black rampaging has been created by liberal-leftist progressives who have colluded in denying and covering up the existence of that violence ostensibly in the interests of maintaining what remains of civil order.

A newsflash for those progressives: Your appeasement isn’t even close to working.

Editors at the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune have publicly conceded that they deliberately censor information about black crime for political reasons.

In June 2011, in an attempt to defend that censorship to its readers following an explosion of black-on-white mob violence in Downtown Chicago, the Tribune’s Gerould Kern disingenuously admitted that his ”newspaper” conceals and downplays black crime in order to “guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion.”

He elaborated by lying, “We do not reference race unless it is a fact that is central to telling the story. By all indication, these attacks were motivated by theft, not race.  Further, there is no evidence to suggest that the victims were singled out because of their race. Therefore we did not include racial descriptions in our initial news reports.”

Kern wrapped up his cover-up of a cover-up by adding another falsehood: “There are circumstances when race may be relevant, such as describing a criminal suspect being sought by police.”

First of all, in a city with a 30% white population where only white people were attacked, ardent liberal-leftist Kern actually suggested that the color of the victims’ skin was coincidental at best? 

Secondly, his reference to Tribune’s identifying the race of assailants when it’s “relevant” borders on the comical; his paper and the rest of Obama’s mainstreamers rarely, if ever, report the race of criminals unless, that is, the criminal happened to be white.

Gerould Kern’s twisted mindset is not unique any more than that particular incident was unique.  Unfortunately for all of us, both his lies concerning rampant black mayhem and the incidents have mushroomed in the last few years, coincidentally with Obama’s first election.

When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed in 1963 that his “four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” could he have dreamt that within less than three generations his now-grown kids would live in a nation which has absolutely no regard for the content of African-American character and not only overlooks their sins but viciously abuses his fellow African-Americans should they stray from the Gerould Kern mold?

(In fact, as I’ve already documented, the sainted Dr. King probably did dream that and worse for our nation!)

Meanwhile, outstanding African-Americans such as black conservatives Ward Connerly, Ken Hamblin, Niger Innis, Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, et al. are regularly condemned by race agitators as “Uncle Toms” and worse for their recognition of the reality that most racist assaults in America are committed by blacks. 

Thanks to Obama and his minions who deny its very existence, the ignored mayhem goes on and on as demonstrated by the increasingly popular and brutal “knockout game” . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37022.) 

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