Thursday, May 8, 2014

Contemptible Smidgen, Lois Lerner

Contemptible Smidgen, Lois Lerner

When President Barack Hussein Obama declared in a February interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly that not only did his administration not mislead the public on the murders in Benghazi but that there existed “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS conservative targeting scandal, he told two more baldfaced lies to add to the list of literally hundreds of other falsifications he has told the American people.

Barring successful Democrat obstructionism and unethical conduct, already launched by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer who had announced that the Democrat leadership would oppose “political messaging,” those lies are about to hit the fan and some  Dems, hopefully, might be headed for prison.

Last week, Speaker of the House John Boehner announced plans to create a Special Committee to investigate the 2012 attacks in Benghazi; the House Rules Committee is prepared to vote Thursday on Boehner’s proposal.

Wednesday evening, the House of Representatives voted 231-187 for a resolution to hold former, senior IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for her refusal to testify about her role in improperly scrutinizing and harassing Tea Party groups and voted to call for a special prosecutor to investigate Lerner and the IRS, 250-168.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a vociferous opponent of the investigation, was not in attendance for either vote, opting instead to participate with Obama and fellow liberal-leftist stalwarts in a Hollywood fundraiser. . . (Read more at

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