Tuesday, May 20, 2014

John Kerry, the Flimflam Man, Does It Again!

John Kerry, who threw his Vietnam War decorations over a fence before he didn’t throw them over a fence, who voted for funding the Iraq War before he voted against the Iraq War, who railed against an Israeli security fence as ”a barrier to peace” before he called it ”a legitimate act of self-defense,” has for the umpteenth time put his foot in his mouth, this time on the very unsettled science of man-made climate change.

Now Secretary of State after succeeding the Queen of Flimflam, Hillary Clinton, Kerry gave a commencement speech at his law school alma mater, Boston College.  He encouraged graduates with the typical pap to get out there and save the world, etc. and focused on anthropogenic climate change, formerly global cooling, formerly global warming, as the chief threat to their futures.

Not Islamic terrorism, not millions of illegal aliens, not nukes in North Korea and Iran, not China, not Russia but Mother Earth’s temperature, a subject worrying a minuscule 24% of Americans according to a March 2014 Gallup poll.

Nevertheless, reiterating the tired, old, discredited Obama administration theme that the reality of climate change is settled science, whereas it is anything but “settled” and is more akin to a massive scam, Kerry delivered a fear-mongering address to his semi-captive audience.

He warned of the urgency for concerted actions to avoid almost-imminent, worldwide, catastrophic events such as food and water shortages, greater conflict and instability, and a spreading scarcity of natural resources. 

As he gravely intoned, should those actions not be implemented, “Things will change in a hu
rry. And they will change for the worse.” 

(Mercifully, Sec. Kerry spared the B.C. grads the popular, liberal-leftist canards that polar bears are running out of ice and caribou have lost interest in breeding due to global warming climate change.) 

The Flimflam Man ultimately arrived at his true purpose in Boston which obviously was not to confer gratuitous attaboys and attagirls but rather to push his boss’s agenda . . .(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37247.)

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