Saturday, May 10, 2014

Chelsea, Hillary, Kids, and Boko Haram

Chelsea, Hillary, Kids, and Boko Haram

Large segments of Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media have been all agog of late not nearly so much over the horrors of Benghazi, the multiplicity of scandals in the president’s administration, or even the potentiality of  World War III beginning in Ukraine but rather in the imminent grandmotherhood of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As a grandfather of five, and counting, I can semi-share the excitement over the birth of Chelsea Victoria Clinton Mezvinsky’s new baby who will become the first grandchild of the former president and his very accomplished wife.

Thirty-four year old Chelsea rarely if ever uses her married name, Mezvinsky, but I’m certain her husband of four years, investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, is even more thrilled than I over the upcoming, blessed event especially since his wife has ostensibly been chosen to be the Democrat Party standard bearer down the line which could make their baby a lady or gentleman-in-waiting for that honor.

It’s often been suggested in Obama’s media, previously the Clinton media, that Mrs. Clinton-Mezvinsky is being carefully groomed as a future Democrat candidate for the presidency despite the reality that, at this point in her life, she has fewer qualifications for that position than Barack Obama had.

Aside from an ineffectual stint as a campaigner for her mother in 2008, she has had little involvement in public life unless serving as co-chairperson for her father’s Clinton Foundation, board member on the School of American Ballet, and as a lackluster reporter on “Rock Center” and “NBC Nightly News” qualify.

As Tim Graham, a director at the Media Research Center, said of Chelsea, “She doesn’t have the charisma” to make it big in politics.  Also, she once surprisingly and insensitively told a child reporter, “I’m sorry, I don’t talk to the press and that applies to you, unfortunately, even though I think you’re cute.”

Wasn’t overflowing sensitivity one of Bill “I feel your pain” Clinton’s hallmarks?

However, far more indicative of both Chelsea’s and Hillary’s characters is their evident disregard for human life, although  Hillary does care deeply for those unfortunate Nigerian girls and their kidnappers, an Islamic, al Qaeda-affiliated group of terrorist thugs that calls itself Boko Haram, loosely meaning “Western education is a sin.”

In 2013, the US belatedly listed Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, a listing delayed due to Mrs. Clinton’s State Department’s refusal to accept that designation although she finally signed on to the condemnation of Boko Haram following the kidnapping and threatened enslavement of the girls. 

In retrospect, as she prepared another run for the highest office in the land, Hillary has now characterized the kidnapping as “an act of terrorism [that] really merits the fullest response possible.”

Really?  So, Boko Haram’s years-long history of violence and murder, its bombings and assassinations, its militant commitment to establishing an Islamic state as a recruiting ground for jihadis, and its dedication to the idea that women are the property of husbands and mere instruments of reproduction, didn’t merit any response from your State Department? 

Obviously not.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton’s response to the issue of extinguishing pre-born human lives has never been ambivalent . . . (Read more at

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