Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Liberal-Leftist Hatred

Liberal-Leftist Hatred

Since they are often subjectively applied, the words “hate” and “hatred” have been deemed among the most volatile and combative terms in English language usage, exceeded in their volatility and hostility only by the newly popular “racist” and “racism” epithets.

Certain words can be almost as hateful as certain actions and a few select words such as “nigger” and, most recently, “retard” and ”retarded,” have been judged so offensive that the judges want them banned entirely and want those accused of violating the latest hot button issue, “bullying,”  persecuted and prosecuted as criminals.

There is certainly merit in voluntary restrictions on the use of objectively hateful terminology and actions.  However, unofficially proscribing and officially criminalizing them smacks of censorship, thought crime, which was condoned in George Orwell’s Airstrip One but is hardly acceptable in currently free America.

Ironically, the chief proponents of banning disturbing language, usually characterized as racist “hate speech,” and of prosecuting bulliers, commonly those who allegedly harass homosexuals, are precisely the same individuals and groups that, with relative impunity, practice the most egregious forms of hate speech and commit the worst hate crimes, namely liberal-leftists and the people they are supposedly protecting.

Also ironic is the lib-left’s successful propagandizing, a success attributable to the complicity of Barack Hussein Obama and his mainstream media.

They have convinced millions of Americans that they are benevolent sorts who only wish the best for people, that they love all mankind, that they merely want to change the world into a socialistic paradise where everyone is happy and content with their lots in life, that they are “liberal” in every way whereas in actuality their philosophy is an oft-proved social and economic failure which demeans and de-humanizes rather than benefits its hapless victims.

At the same time they push their benevolence, etc., liberal-leftists spew the least loving, most illiberal, and most hateful speech imaginable in civilized society–and they get away with it!

America’s lib-left must not have gotten Obama’s insincere 2011 message of national healing and peace and  civility in Tucson anymore than he got his own message.

Let Sarah Palin espouse family values. and they are all over her calling her a troll.  Let Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Scott Walker balance the state’s budget, with a surplus, and he is denounced and his life and the lives of his family are threatened.  Let conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia support prayers at town meetings and “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance or “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency, and the brilliant jurist is condemned as an ignorant reactionary.

And those are among the most civil observations.

Calling what they rant “free speech” instead of what it clearly is, hate speech, Obama’s acolytes on television and in the entertainment world tend to vomit the most vile invective, oftentimes involving the death of their conservative targets. 

A few examples . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37108.)

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