Saturday, May 24, 2014

It's Memorial Day, not Veterans Day!

It's Memorial Day, not Veterans Day!

Without in any way detracting from the observance of Veterans Day (formerly known as Armistice Day) when America honors all who have served in our military on the anniversary of the end of fighting in the “war to end all wars” on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, November 11th, 1918, Memorial Day  (formerly Decoration Day) honors all those who perished in service to America.

As Maj. Nicholas J. Sabula, Defense Media Activity, wrote on May 23, 2014: “One thing I think people tend to gloss over with this day–these people died for freedom. While the semantics of how they died, why they died or where they died can become blurred by those seeking to minimize their sacrifice, the reality is that they died in serving the very country that allows for freedoms to belittle these heroes.  They gave of themselves, paying the ultimate sacrifice. This is the day for a grateful nation to remember their service and what it represented.”

Truer and more relevant words were never written when all too many Americans today are concerned with getting to the parade in town and prepping for a family barbecue than to stop even for a moment to reflect on the true purpose and meaning of Memorial Day.

When I donated to the American Legion today and received two symbolic, red poppies, I thanked the volunteer veteran for his service and he graciously responded, “No, thank you for recognizing us,” a needless and unsettling reciprocation of gratitude for a piddling five dollars. . . . (Read more at

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