Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Obama Kills the Internet

Obama Kills the Internet


It’s still unclear whether President Barack Hussein Obama asked for Al Gore’s permission to effectively kill the Internet but he certainly should have since Gore invented it, or so he has said repeatedly.
It’s far more significant that Obama, a proud globalist who believes it is fair and just that Americans not only should share their personal, hard-won wealth with those who haven’t done a damned thing to deserve it but also believes we should not just share the Internet, totally relinquish any control we have, and surrender it to such nations as Communist China and Putin Russia or any other autocratic nation drooling over the opportunity to censor what people say and think.

America’s socialist president has always been keen on surrendering and sharing and has often attempted to extend federal control over the Internet, no doubt in preparation for his latest ploy to destroy the greatest vehicle for free expression and political dissent since Johannes Gutenberg invented an improved movable type in 1450.

To implement that destruction, in March, the Obama administration announced plans to voluntarily abandon America’s sole jurisdiction over the Internet in 2015 and shift that weighty responsibility to countries like free speech-challenged, freedom-challenged Russia and China.

Obama’s designated mouthpiece, the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information’s Lawrence E. Strickling provided the administration’s rationale for abdicating America’s responsibility: . . . (Read more at

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