Saturday, May 17, 2014

"Progressive" Madness

"Progressive" Madness

As Michael Marshall wrote in The Upright Man, ”I don’t know what it is with the mad, but they’ve certainly got force of will. Maybe it’s not having the checks and balances the rest of us have, or perhaps I’m kidding myself: maybe their minds are simply clearer, unclouded with the anxieties and morality that the rest of us are swaddled with. Perhaps they have the courage to point their magical thinking at the stars.”

And, perhaps, like American “progressives,” they’re nuts and so twisted by their ”progressive” madness that they can’t distinguish right from wrong?

How else can we describe so-called “progressives” as anything other than nuts and deranged or, to be a tad merciful, confused and muddled, when they so consistently say things and act as if they had lost what humanity and common sense they ever had?

Contemporary progressives aren’t thinking magically about Marshall’s stars.  More typically, they are inclined to bark at the moon, not pointlessly but rather with misinformed and usually vicious intent directed at their conservative opponents or simply directed at anything and everything most rational Americans value, such as education, religion, national integrity, public safety, even at life itself. 

Case in point: National Organization for Women president Terry O’Neill published an editorial on the Huffington Post titled, “Abortion, Like Contraception, Is Essential Health Care That Saves Lives.” aptly paraphrased that title as “Babies Wouldn’t Die So Much If We’d Just Kill Them Before They Died.”

If he were on our side, buffoonish VP Joe Biden would surely say that progressives are literally tearing America apart, a reality that is figuratively true.

Take, for example, the current uproar over the imposition of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a misnomer since that “initiative” for re-vamping American education was hatched in Washington, D.C., not in any of the nation’s 50 states.  Despite widespread parental opposition to the Common Core, opponents are being arrested when they dared to voice their unprogressive disagreement with the salacious Core curriculum, as in the cases of Robert Small in Baltimore and William Baer in Guilford, N.H.

Or, consider chemistry professor at East Carolina University, Eli Hvastkovs, who forbade his graduating students in an email from thanking God in their personal, commencement statements saying that you can thank anyone you wish but, “You can’t thank God. I’m sorry about this–and I don’t want to have to outline the reasons why.”  Hvastkovs could have and should have outlined his reasons, which would have outed him as an atheistic  “progressive” who wanted to impose his lack of belief on the graduates.

And, think of our national policy . . . (Read more at

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