Saturday, June 21, 2014

Olalla Oliveros Joins a Nunnery!

Olalla Oliveros Joins a Nunnery!

When the rather mousey Maria Augusta Kutschera fled Nonnberg Abbey in Austria and went on to marry Captain Georg von Trapp and establish a von Trapp dynasty, featured in the mostly fictional ”The Sound of Music,” there was little consternation over her abandoning her vocation in favor of the captain and his seven children.

When 36 year old Olalla Oliveros chose to reverse Maria’s course and give up fame and fortune in favor of becoming Sister Olalla del Sí de María, the beautiful Spanish model who had also appeared in television commercials and worked as an actress traded her flourishing career in favor of becoming a Catholic nun, she caused quite a bit of a stir.

She became a what?

A Catholic nun, you know, one of that increasingly-rare breed of women who dedicate their lives to God and celibacy in lieu of pursuing earthly pleasures.   Some even say her decision may signal a rebirth of a near dormant Spanish catholicism.  

(In a snarkily-titled article, “Did She Just Fancy a Change of Habit,” Britain’s Daily Mail reports Olalla made the move four years ago not last month but, as Hillary Clinton would say, “What difference does it make?”)

Ms. Oliveros entered the semi-cloistered Order of Saint Michael in May following what she described as an “earthquake” experience during a visit to Fatima, the little village in Portugal where Our Lady of Fátima appeared to three poor shepherd children in 1917, performed miracles, made predictions, revealed three unsettling secrets, and urged the conversion of Russia.

Initially and understandably, visualizing herself in nun garb seemed beyond ridiculous . . . (Read more at

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