Saturday, June 7, 2014

Food4Patriots and Food for Thought

Food4Patriots and Food for Thought

Although I have often advocated for the Wounded Warrior Project, the Salvation Army, and other worthwhile organizations on this blogsite, I have very rarely–as in never–endorsed any commercial enterprise and this should not be interpreted as either a sales pitch or an endorsement.

Food4Patriots caught my attention with a full-page advertisement in the June edition of the popular conservative magazine, “Newsmax,” an ad beyond thought-provoking and more akin to a wake-up call to Americans who sense something is very wrong in our country today, something ominous and life-threatening for us and our families. 

Hopefully, the threat may never come to fruition but to ignore it could literally be hazardous to our survival.

The very name Food4Patriots for a storage food- survival food company is a turn-off to many Americans since it seems to suggest the company caters only to “patriots,” the people the IRS considers unworthy of tax exempt status. However, that’s not the case.

Its name doesn’t imply Food4Patriots is anticipating an imminent food shortage disaster or conjure up images of Depression Era food lines, food riots, and government manipulation and even seizures of America’s food suppliers and food stocks but that is precisely what the company’s founders fear.

Supporting the implication of government attempting to corner the food market and stockpile food for re-distribution when it sees fit and to whom it deems qualified, the Food4Patriots website features a recent letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, offering to purchase the company’s entire inventory, an offer the owners adamantly refused to accept even if they expect FEMA to go elsewhere to buy up food stocks.

Their website also includes a lengthy, compelling video detailing the company’s rationale for existence as well as an historical perspective on past and current governmental involvement in food re-distribution. . . (Read more at

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