Unfortunately for their victims and our country, political correctness, religious discrimination, anti-Americanism, and blatant immorality are sweeping America’s colleges and universities, all of which are expected given the liberal-leftist professors and administrators who govern those institutions.
Portland Public Schools' 
However, those same evils–and worse–have now infested our formerly a-political public school systems that once were educational models for the world, and that is far more intolerable.

Whichever came first, the corruptions of the academia chickens or the corruptions of the public school eggs, is irrelevant.  What matters is that many primary and secondary school “educators” have become leaders of the lib-left pack determined to indoctrinate rather than educate our young people.

Instances of such activities abound.

They range from the amazingly racist declaration by Chicago Teachers Union organizer Karen Lewis that Chicago “belongs” to African-Americans and not white people to disciplining Houston ISD bus driver Cynthia Cormier and four fellow drivers for daring to pray on a bus radio system for another co-worker’s 12 year old who died walking to school to the whole panoply of Common Core’s outrages against America’s children to the concerted efforts by school districts to downplay school violence and accent student self-esteem in lieu of accomplishment, etc.

Those exercises in twisted political correctness have frequently been examined in this space so, instead, let’s consider the merits of Michael Snyder’s February 25, 2014 article, “Sex and the Public Schools” in TheEndoftheAmericanDream.com.
Snyder launches his piece with the seemingly hyperbolic statement that, “You are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read.  Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that.  As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools.”

He supports that actually non-hyperbolic contention with detailed proof of its unsettling truth, a sick reality confirmed by many others including CommercialFreeChildhood.org which recently posited, “Today, even young children are internalizing sexualized images and appropriating sexualized behavior–long before they are able to understand what it means to be a sexual being.”

The following should not be considered either the most disturbing or the only examples but merely a few more examples of what’s happening to kids in public schools:

–In Madison, Wisconsin in late March, a conference was held for educators nationwide, called “Examining White Privilege and Building Foundations for Social Justice Thinking in the Elementary Classroom.”  Led by teachers Rosemary Colt and Diana Reeves, the confab has been accurately described as ”nothing more than a brainwashing festival designed to make people feel guilty for being white. Not only that, but it taught them how to make their students, some still in elementary school, feel guilty for being white as well.”

–In Pleasant View, Utah, Weber High School teacher Ashleigh Williams thought it an excellent motivational device in her “Adult Roles and Financial Literacy” course, designed to prepare students to “understand the nature, function and  significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general  financial literacy,” to have students brainstorm on slang terms for their genitalia . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37485.)