Hobby Lobby Redux
They’re claiming that the highest court in the land has enlisted in their fabricated War on Women, that women will be irreparably hurt, or die, or worse as a result of the split 5-4 decision in favor of religious liberty over governmental dictatorship; Marci Hamilton of Yeshiva University, a constitutional law scholar like President Barack Hussein Obama, warned that 80% of U.S. corporations could “now be able to discriminate against their employees;” women’s rights groups such as Planned Parenthood which makes millions performing abortions condemned Monday’s decision by “five male justices,” clearly implying it was just another example of male chauvinism; dissenting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg believes SCOTUS had “ventured into a minefield” that would disadvantage employees “who do not share their employer’s religious beliefs;” and Obama flack Josh Earnest said that women Congress should act at once to assist women affected by the decision.
Good grief! Talk about overreaction! Just because Sandra Fluke may now have to buy her condoms?
Actually, what the Supreme Court decided, although it was a major body blow to the president and to Obamacare, was very limited in scope . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37874.)
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