Friday, June 13, 2014

Sorta Fun Stories in the News

Sorta Fun Stories in the News


Lately, there have been very few news stories that could be even remotely considered “funny” or even pathetically or ironically amusing.

However, what with all that’s currently going on in America and the world, from the implosion of a presidency, to a record-breaking number of scary administration scandals, to the gradual realization that Barack Hussein Obama has deftly snatched defeat from victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the disintegration of America’s former position as the world’s superpower, to our grossly mismanaged economy, to our devolution from a “race neutral” society into a racially-divided nation, we all need a good laugh, right?

(By the way, anyone who disagrees with the seriousness of those issues should try to keep up by watching something other than liberal-leftist news channels and reading something other than the lib-left mainstream media.  Or, at the very minimum, try to get out more.)

If for no other reason than a good chuckle, a smattering of humor, as tenuous and sardonic as that humor may be, goes a long way as a stress reliever, I offer the following which are not necessarily listed in order of the most risible but rather in the order I thought of them:

—As widely reported by honest media outlets, Chicago’s Paul Robeson High School recently celebrated its prom.  Since most promenading students today select a theme to highlight their achievements.  The Robeson kids chose as their theme, “This Is Are Story.”

Now, keeping in mind that high school activities, including annual proms, are customarily supervised teachers, it doesn’t reflect well on the Chicago school system or its products that no one there seems to know the difference between “are” and “our.”  That stupidity also doesn’t say much about the racist remark made last October by the Chicago Teachers Union’s President Karen Lewis that the city “belongs” to African Americans and not white people, a view seconded by CTU organizer Brandon Johnson.  Or does it?

Anyway, that is there story!

 —The estimable Barbara Walters, a legend in her own mind perhaps best known as “Baba Wawa” by Gilda Radner fans on “Saturday Night Live” and for famously asking Katherine Hepburn, “What kind of tree are you?” has been saying much about nothing for fifty years and said even less during her recent appearance with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show.”

The 83 year old liberal-leftist Walters who looks like she has had almost as many facelifts as Joan Rivers reminisced over rejecting Clint Eastwood’s dinner invite in 1982.  She admitted that she decided take another shot at seducing the conservative director-actor last Monday by arranging to sit next to him at the premiere of  his “Jersey Boys.”

All bedecked in the “right outfit” replete with fake eyelashes and knowing, I guess, that the conservative Eastwood gets really impressed by phoniness, Walters struck out.  Big time. . . .(Read more at 

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