Call Robert Bergdahl ”BaghDad” or “BaghDad Bob,” the father of Sgt. Bowe Robert Bergdahl, the soldier “released” by the Taliban after five years in “captivity,” is proving the truth of the adage that nuts don’t fall very far from the nut tree.

As the Bergdahl saga continues to unfold and as the transparent Obama administration continues to lie, hide, and obfuscate the truth, we should, of course, withhold a verdict on what really happened five years ago when Sgt. Bergdahl mysteriously disappeared from his post in Afghanistan and ended up in Taliban hands.

We should also disregard, for now, the four-year-old Taliban claim that Bergdahl wasn’t simply a deserter but a traitor as well who converted to Islam and taught jihadists how to construct bombs and ambush convoys in order to kill Americans. (

And we should overlook, for now, reports that his fellow soldiers had orders to shoot him on sight as a deserter. (See Facebook page “Bowe Bergdahl is a  Traitor.”)

And we should not consider, for now, that the military’s hunt for him left U.S. outposts undermanned, leading to the loss of eight American lives in the battle of Kamdesh, according to a Pentagon official. (DailyMail) 

Let’s not forget, though, that President Barack Hussein Obama declared this alleged deserter and traitor a “hero” during a Rose Garden reception for his parents last Saturday announcing Sgt. Bergdahl’s release in exchange for freeing five of the most dangerous terrorists in Gitmo, terrorists Obama later conceded would probably re-join al-Qaeda in its quest to rid the world of “the Great Satan.” 

But, back to Bergdahl the senior. . . (Read more at