Thursday, June 12, 2014

Polio, Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough,Tuberculosis Return to America!

Polio, Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough,Tuberculosis Return to America!

What’s currently happening in America’s southwestern states is a national and humanitarian tragedy on many levels not the least of which is a possible, massive resurgence in childhood and other diseases not seen in our country for decades.

As a result–planned or otherwise–of the Obama administration’s delinquent regard for our borders, a policy quite possibly designed to force Congress to grant amnesty and citizenship to the 11 million+ illegal aliens who have invaded the United States and established residency here, potential invaders and their native countries have hit upon the devious ploy of sending thousands of underaged children, usually unaccompanied by parents or adult guardians, across our  Mexican border in the expectation they will be allowed to remain in America and enjoy benefits denied them in their mostly Central American homelands.

And President Obama and his cohorts in the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Homeland Security, etc. are not only permitting this latest immigration travesty to continue but are actually facilitating it by housing, feeding, and providing legal counsel for the illegals!

All of that should be old news to anyone paying attention to what has been going on for weeks now even if it is being dutifully ignored by much of Obama’s mainstream media.  Fortunately, has taken up the news slack, as usual.

Drudge has posted articles on the “free pass” awarded to the invaders including comparisons made to the debacle following Hurricane Katrina, the desperation of border patrol agents, illegals surrendering en masse in order to be ferried from the border and later flown to military camps, the miserable conditions and widespread sexual activities at some of those facilities, the Mexican drug cartels seizing control in the Southwest due to the necessity of diverting border agents to handle the sudden, massive influx of humanity, and other horror stories.

However, the worst horrors may yet to come: . . . (Read more at

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