Sunday, June 8, 2014

Obama's Bergdahl Waterloo

Obama's Bergdahl Waterloo

Long ago, an aged nun ranted that I would some day meet my Waterloo because of my recalcitrance and general classroom misbehavior. 

I understood and have diligently tried to correct my tendency to misbehave, with little success, but I never did understand Sister Josepha’s warning about meeting my Waterloo since I had no clue in seventh grade what or where Waterloo was and why I was threatened with meeting it.

As far as I know, I haven’t yet met it but I have come to understand what dear, old, nasty Sister Josepha meant.  Napoleon was soundly vanquished at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 near Waterloo in present-day Belgium by Britain’s Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army, a battle costing some 22,000 British and Prussian casualties.

Sister Josepha may very well have witnessed and delighted in that mayhem and was strongly suggesting I, too, would eventually get my comeuppance.

However, that’s all tangential to the point that America’s President Barack Hussein Obama may finally have met his own well-deserved Waterloo following years of outrageously arrogant misbehavior, illegal, unconstitutional actions, and demonstrations of utter contempt for the American people, all of which have come home to roost as a  consequence of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The president’s desperation and the desperation of his designated administration mouthpieces over the fallout resulting from trading five of the worst of the worst terrorists captured and imprisoned at Guantanamo for an alleged turncoat-deserter-traitor have only been accented by the mad rush to defend Obama’s insanely dangerous decision by much of his still-devoted mainstream media.

—Last Sunday, National Security Advisor Susan “Benghazi Video” Rice told America on national television that Sgt. Bergdahl had served his country with “honor and distinction,” without specifying which country she meant or explaining her concept of “honor and distinction.”

—Last Monday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminded a Denver audience that Bergdahl “was an American citizen–is an American citizen–was serving in our military. . . The idea that you really care for your own citizens and particularly those in uniform, I think is a very noble one,” apparently forgetting that Benedict Arnold was an American citizen, and a general to boot;

—Last Tuesday, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI issued a statement saying that members of Congress “should not be surprised that he [Obama] acted as he did in the circumstances that existed,” meaning the president had no other choice but to save Berdahl’s ass;

—Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the terrorists had been at Gitmo for “far too long” and that he was happy they were sent to Qatar and criticized Republicans for blocking attempts to try them in the U.S., presumably because he felt they were just freedom fighters who shouldn’t be tried at all?

On the other hand, there are definite signs that not everyone in the Democrat Party and the media thinks the president did the right thing in unleashing five Taliban terrorists in return for a likely defector, and therein lies the basis for the president’s long overdue meeting with his Waterloo.

For years, Obama’s entertainment-world sycophants, his obsequious mainstream buddies, and his partisan political cronies have blindly supported his every move, distorted the truth about everything he said and did, and outright lied when all else failed to cover for him. 

For the last year or so, though, with nothing to lose following the re-election they helped manipulate, like pissed off rats in a cage of their own making, some of his former idolators have been exposing their emperor’s lack of clothes and the chinks in his very fragile armor.

Chris Tingles Matthews, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and a multiplicity of others who had thought Obama could walk on water–if he chose to–have all taken pot shots at him since the last election and those defections crescendoed after Obama’s terrorists-for-traitor trade:
—Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D, NH) . . . (Read more at

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