What people say in public is often far more indicative of their character and prejudices than what they do in public.

What follows is a brief summary of things three very public people have said that expose them as stupid, bigoted, and hypocritical, none of which statements will ever be seen on America’s mainstream media since they reveal liberal-leftists for what they are, namely stupid, bigoted, hypocritical lib-leftists.

President Barack Hussein Obama
Obama gave the commencement speech at Worcester Tech high school, a “turn around” school, and told the graduates he didn’t remember much about his own high school graduation, even the commencement speaker because, as he said, “I’m sure I was thinking about the party after graduation.”  He added, “I don’t remember the party either. I’m just telling the truth here.”

He also contended that his family at times “had to scrape to get by,” even though his family somehow found the resources to send him to the elite Punahou School in Honolulu, a fact he forgot to mention to the Worcester grads.

The true truth, as opposed to Barry’s version of reality, is that he was so wasted on the drugs he has admitted to taking in his youth to recall much of anything, not even that he and his family never did any “scraping” to get by, a convenient lie that certainly endeared him to his future supporters and which conveniently escaped the attention of his MSM–along with the multiplicity of his other lies concerning just about anything he feels compelled to twist.

Even absent his trusty teleprompters, to suggest to mostly black Worcester high school students that he was either drunk or on a drug high at his graduation was grossly inappropriate.  In that venue, perhaps he should have reverted to form by lying and saying he was too busy to attend because he was working somewhere to help his family scrape by.

Bill Maher

Maher, the failed comedian turned talk show host and political commentator, specializes in idiocy and doesn’t seem to lie nearly as much as his hero, Obama, and instead regularly spews filth and obscenities in vain efforts to compensate for his lack of talent.

Maher’s foul vitriol, (including but hardly limited to such gems as “Jesus just f*cked Tebow bad,” “Kill Mitt Romney,” “Kill Paul Ryan,” “there is always a good moral Christian reason to tell everyone you meet to f*** off and die,” calling Sarah Palin a “dumb twat” and a “c*nt” and the Pope a child rapist), is as legendary as his anti-Catholic bigotry.

He once again demonstrated the depth of his perverted anger following House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor’s defeat in the Virginia Republican primary this week. 

Reflecting on the Tea Party’s effect in that election, Maher launched into an amazingly irrelevant but revelatory tirade against Christians in Congress. . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37793.)