When Sen. Barry Goldwater, the 1964 GOP candidate for president, said in his acceptance speech at the 28th Republican Convention, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue,” he was referring to whole other meanings of extremism, liberty, vice, and justice than what we are witnessing in America fifty years later.

Attacked as an extremist warmonger by the warmongering Lyndon Baines Johnson, Goldwater was trounced in that election thanks to over 60% of voters who bought into LBJ’s lies and the rest is the sad history of 211,454 dead and wounded American troops in the Vietnam War.

As opposed to today’s brand of extremism, Goldwater was addressing unyielding conservative positions opposing the welfare state and the permissiveness of American culture, extremist stands only as contrasted with liberal attitudes favoring rights and ignoring reponsibilities.

Goldwater had the audacity to offer “a choice” rather an “echo” of liberalism’s advocacies, a choice which was overwhelmingly rejected by the electorate.

Since his defeat, Ronald Reagan campaigned and easily beat Jimmy Carter in 1980 on much the same platform as Goldwater’s, thereby proving you’re not an extremist when you win.

However, since Reagan, liberal extremists have exerted a virtual stranglehold on much of America and they have promoted an unprecedented menu of welfarism, permissiveness, and social degradation that would probably make both Goldwater and Reagan cry were they still alive.

For example, the Television Critics Association summer tour in Hollywood, MTV featured a panel discussion with the cast and creators of a new series titled “Happyland” at which the star Bianca Santos described the MTV motto as, “Incest is hot, and  we’re going to have fun!”

Targeting teenagers, “Happyland” has been characterized as “MTV digging ever deeper for their precious ‘edge’ until they’ve dulled the shock of every  perversion.” 

It could also be characterized as contemporary extremism in action, an extremism aimed at undermining the very fabric of decency and morality using vulnerable teens to further its perverted goals.

On a more significant cultural front than television, education, the ultra-liberal University of Wisconsin-Madison has adopted an extremist policy predicated on the proposition that students should be graded not by their achievement but according to their race.

The school’s “Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence” calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high-status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”

Dissenting UWM professor W. Lee Hansen took issue with that insanity . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38571.)