Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ebola, Obama's Latest Gift to America

Ebola, Obama's Latest Gift to America

As if exposing Americans to millions of illegal aliens carrying and transmitting everything from tuberculosis to polio to any number of other contagious diseases didn’t sufficiently demonstrate Barack Hussein Obama’s contempt for the health, safety and well being of our country, his administration has now introduced the deadly Ebola virus to our shores.

The symptoms of the Ebola virus disease (EVD), aka Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), include high fevers, throat and muscle pains, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased liver and kidney functioning, possible bleeding issues, and a mortality rate ranging from 50% to 90%.

Despite the unfortunate fact that there is no vaccine or cure for the dreaded disease and even though the World Health Organization said Friday that it was spreading wildly in Africa, the Obama-Kerry State Department authorized the transfer from Liberia to Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital of two American missionaries, Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, who have been diagnosed with Ebola.

Ebola victim Dr. Brantly arrived in Georgia on Saturday and Writebol will follow shortly.

Emory is more than ready for its infected patients and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reassuringly said last week that, ”Ebola poses little risk to the U.S. general population.”

Of course, since the CDC’s reassurance came before State’s magnanimous, humanitarian gesture on America’s behalf and since Ebola has an incubation period of up to three weeks prior to the appearance of symptons, the contention by CDC spokesperson Stephan Monroe that, “No Ebola cases have been reported in the United States” is totally irrelevant.

For their part, the good people at Emory University Hospital employed a Gulfstream jet paid for by the generous Samaritan’s Purse charity and equipped with a collapsible tent designed to prevent the escape of infectious germs and have prepared an isolation unit for patients exposed to certain serious communicable diseases. 

The area is separate from the main hospital facility and Emory officials assured the public on Friday that there is zero risk that Ebola could contaminate anyone outside their secure unit.

What could possibly go wrong?  After all, the Obama administration, the same people who created the abomination of Obamacare and the chaos on our southern border, is overseeing everything!

More to the point, what was the necessity of our government needlessly introducing an incurable disease like Ebola into continental America when the patients could be treated, not as easily yet feasibly, in a safer location far from our cities? . . . (Read more at

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