Friday, August 15, 2014

Trayvon Kicked to the Curb, Michael Takes Center Stage

Trayvon Kicked to the Curb, Michael Takes Center Stage

Remember Trayvon Martin?  Of course you do.

For those who don’t, Trayvon was the 17 year-old, unarmed Sanford, Florida black teenager who was shot and killed by white neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2012 and then crowned the new poster boy for black racist agitators, supplanting their previous hero, Rodney King.

Zimmerman was subsequently exonerated by a jury of his peers on the grounds of self-defense.  His exoneration didn’t mean a tinker’s dam to the agitators who continued to campaign for his assassination and inflamed the nation into an orgy of demonstrations, looting, and student strikes–all in Martin’s honor.

In point of fact, Trayvon Martin may have been a chronological teenager but he was also a muscular, six-foot one thug and an avid strret fighter with a record of drug use and possession of burglar tools, although none of those negative character features were brought up either at Zimmerman’s trial or by Trayvon’s chief fan club, the New Black Panther Party.

Instead, he was lauded in the mainstream media as an innocent, young kid who had been senselessly murdered and was then virtually adopted posthumously by Barack Hussein Obama when the president said, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

Now, fast forward to 2014 and Ferguson, Missouri’s 18 year-old Michael Brown.

The unarmed Brown was shot and killed last Saturday by a Ferguson police officer but few other details on the circumstances of the shooting had been made public, not even the cop’s name or race.  Until today when the officer’s name was released.  

In view of the numerous death threats made against him and the murderous reputation of the New Black Panther Party which agitated for that information, that move might be tantamount to complicity in murder.

The police also released today videotape evidence that Brown wasn’t exactly your average black kid in Ferguson, unless the average black kid in the St. Louis suburb engages in stealing cigars from a local convenience store and strong-arming a white clerk half his size.

That surveillance video puts the lie to claims that Brown was simply . . . Read more at 

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