Sunday, August 3, 2014

Boobs and Babies, Guns and Death

Boobs and Babies, Guns and Death

I’ve long suspected that those adamantly opposed to the constitutionally-guaranteed right of Americans under the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for both the protection of themselves and their families and for protection from and resistance against a tyranical government were foolish and ignorant.

In a word, I felt they were boobs.

That feeling was reinforced at a recent demonstration for gun control during which a fanatical opponent of that fundamental right displayed her breasts poorly masked by a placard declaring, “Boobs feed babies and bring joy and comfort.  Guns only bring death.  More boobs, less guns.”

Well, that’s not exactly true although the unidentified fanatic did accomplish one thing: She proved her cup size far exceeded her intelligence quotient.

Aside from her grammatical faux pas, (the correct usage would be “fewer”, not “less” guns), Ms. Boobie also clearly demonstrated her obliviousness of reality with regard to how, when, and why guns are used in America and how many lives they have saved.

As frequently documented here, guns are not only legally used by millions of Americans for hunting and then consuming the products of their hunts but they have been used far more often to save and protect lives than for criminal purposes.

Though it’s incontrovertible that firearms are often indiscriminately used to commit crimes and kill, Ms. B.’s exhibitionism and placard fail to factor in the reality that those crimes and killings are largely confined to ghetto areas and, when they occur outside those areas, are mostly committed by residents of those ghettos engaged in murderous rampages outside their communities.

However, the MSM prefers to focus on gun atrocities which are anomalies rather than the norm.  When mentally disturbed people such as Adam Lanza slaughter school children and other innocents, the mainstreamers invariably ramp up their gun control campaign as if guns and not the mentally disturbed and criminal miscreants are the problem. 

Obsessed with the idea that guns are evil, . . . (Read more at

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