Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ending Islam's Endless War on America

Ending Islam's Endless War on America 


Whatever Americans think and feel about the country and its people, few of us would argue that the Jewish state of Israel is not totally justified in retaliating against Hamas in Gaza. 

In “Brave New World,” Aldous Huxley wrote of that totalitarian world’s dictum that, “Ending is better than mending.”  Mending the rifts between Israel and Hamas, healing the enmity between Israel and its Islamic enemies is as beyond rational expectation as mending the senseless rift between America and Islam. 

Muslim leaders contend that 9/11, and the attacks which preceded it–the first bombing of the WTC in 1993, the bombings of our embassies and the USS Cole as well as all the subsequent threats–were perpetrated by Islamic extremists, jihadists not representative of the world’s 1.2 billion followers of Muhammad and the Koran.  Yet, no Islamic state has ever unequivocally denounced those extremists or taken forceful actions to rein them in. 

Like people, nations are known by the company they keep.

Try to imagine tens of thousands of deadly rockets raining down on American cities, everywhere from Oregon to Nebraska to Alabama to New York, and hundreds of millions of us hiding in bomb shelters in the hope we and our families could avoid being blown to bits.  That grisly scene is replicated daily on a smaller scale in Israel and its population of six million as contrasted with our 314,000,000 residents.

Now, try to visualize the United States of America, the last standing superpower on the planet, arguably the most powerful nation in the world and the home of the supposed leader of the Free World, patiently sitting, waiting, and dawdling, insanely anticipating the next crazed Islamic attack on our homeland as if we were nothing more than a banana republic awaiting another revolution.

We’ve deceived ourselves into thinking that we’ve done all that’s humanly possible to forestall another 9-11, or worse, even as we prepare for the worst.  Even liberal-leftists such as Sen. Diane Feinstein concede we are no safer now than we were thirteen years ago.

What’s absent from that terrifying picture is the reality that there is no need for Americans to hunker down and prep for catastrophe if only we would demand our country assert its unrivaled power and threaten to decimate not only known Islamic terrorists but every last remnant of their enclaves and, if and when the unthinkable happens, if we are attacked again, following through on our warning by returning Muslim lands to the seventh century, a time which many of them never left.

Is that solution brutal and merciless?  Yes, it is.  Is it potentially ruinous of America’s reputation in the world?  It could be.  Is it unprecedented?  In scope, perhaps.

However, consider a few salient realities. . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38478.)

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