Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chaos, Anarchy, and Obama

Chaos, Anarchy, and Obama

Former United Nations ambassador John Bolton recently observed that because of our president’s leadership deficits,  “the world’s descending into chaos,” a chaos that could result in anarchy should America continue to retreat from its responsibilities.

Ambassador Bolton was referring to foreign affairs but his ominous warning could apply equally to the incipient, chaotic, domestic anarchy on America’s horizon attributable to the commander in chief.

My bride of 46 years believes that she would prefer not to live in interesting times, referring to the supposedly apocryphal, ancient Chinese curse which may be based on a Chinese saying that it’s “better to live as a dog in an era of peace than a man in times of trouble.” (Wikipedia)

Both interpretations amount to the same thing, namely that “interesting times” pretty much equates with the idea that even mongrels are better off living their lives in peace rather than human beings living amid conflict.

Apocryphal or not, the times Americans are currently living in and enduring are times that could certainly be characterized as “interesting” as well as unprecedented, a period in history during which most of us may not yet exactly be living like dogs, (which the Chinese eat, along with cats), but which can readily be categorized as troubling for anyone relatively conscious of the world we live in and liberal-leftists are easily the chief contributing factors to our disturbing, interesting times and our troubled minds.

When officials in the Obama administration and supposedly erudite pundits and other members of the intelligentsia pursue policies, make statements and allegations at variance with reason, should we blindly accept their obviously radical ideas and decisions? 

What if they are spewing opinions so far removed from the realm of truth, are we still expected to listen up and heed them?

I think not.  However, judge for yourself . . . (Read more at

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