Thursday, August 28, 2014

America Goes to Pot

America Goes to Pot

When liberal-leftist comedienne/actress Sarah Silverman surprisingly won an Emmy Monday night and in front of millions of viewers including children, she brazenly displayed the vaporizer pen she uses for smoking marijuana and later told an NBC reporter it contained liquified pot.

An open aficionado of the drug, Silverman, who told an interviewer last year that, “I have very few vivid memories because I smoke a lot of pot,” unfortunately is not an exception among the entertainment set but rather serves in the vanguard of a radical movement in our country to intentionally or unintentionally make us forget how we got here. 


Led by our Pothead-in-Chief, America is rapidly and inexorably becoming the world’s foremost exemplar of the social, legal, and medical repercussions that legalized marijuana is capable of wreaking on a nation.

Sure, other countries are way ahead of us in making weed legally available to the masses–think the Netherlands, for example–but what other country is able to boast that its head of state, the person who should be a role model for his people, started out in life as a pothead?

In his supposed memoir, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” Barack Hussein Obama proudly conceded he was a heavy pot smoker in his misbegotten youth in Hawaii as well as a member, indeed, a leader, of law-breakers known as the “Choom Gang,” choom referring to smoking weed. 

According to David Maraniss’ “Barack Obama: The Story,” then-Barry Obama popularized a new, pot-smoking trend known as “TA” (“total absorption”) and “roof hits,” (smoking joints with car windows rolled up to keep any smoke escaping), and he often cut the choom line when a joint was being passed around yelling “interception.”

In 2004, President Obama sent a mixed message when he declared, “I think the War on Drugs has been an utter failure . . . but I’m not somebody who believes in the legalization of marijuana.”  In other words, the War on Drugs has been a total travesty, thereby suggesting that marijuana and other drug laws were somehow flawed, at the same time he indicated he fully supported their enforcement.

To his credit, and he deserves precious little credit for anything, . . (Read more at

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