Thursday, August 21, 2014

Obama's Complicity in the Beheading of James Foley

Obama's Complicity in the Beheading of James Foley

President Barack Hussein Obama interrupted his latest Martha’s Vineyard vacation to devote all of five minutes in condemning in no uncertain terms the grisly, videotaped beheading of American photojournalist James Foley and the Muslim perpetrators of that horrendous crime before hopping on his motorcade to tend to more important business, working on his golf game.

Well, he didn’t actually condemn adherents to the religion of peace but he defiantly did say, “One thing we can all agree on is a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century.”

That alone, in his mind, would be more than sufficient to deter a threatened second beheading of an American should the U.S. continue bombing the barbaric, Islamic terrorists.

If not in name, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Qaeda’s philosophical heirs, are virtually synonymous, especially in regard to their murderous jihadist practices and their quest for a worldwide caliphate based on Sharia law and the Koran. 

If successful, their movement would effectively turn back the world’s clock to the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s seventh century. 

From an expedient political point of view, it’s eminently comprehensible why Obama would abbreviate his statement on James Foley’s brutal decapitation. 

As with the assassination of U.S. Major General Harold Greene in Afghanistan on August 5th, the first killing of an American general in a war zone in 141 years, to draw excessive attention to either tragedy would only vividly highlight yet other failures of his policies so our commander in chief chose to skip Greene’s funeral and minimize his comments on Foley’s murder. 

With regard to the latter, Obama had an even greater incentive to go golfing instead of elaborating on the moral degradation of Islam–his direct complicity in Foley’s kidnapping and torture two years ago as well as his involvement in Foley's brutal decapitation. . . (Read more at

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