Monday, August 11, 2014

The Tragic Travesty of Michael Brown's Death

The Tragic Travesty of Michael Brown's Death

Isn’t it funny, in the most pathetic sense, that a lone shooting in the little town of Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis, can stir up such an upheaval while hundreds of shootings in the metropolis of Chicago, Illinois elicit a great, big yawn?

An unidentified police officer apparently shot and killed 18-year old Michael Brown on Saturday.  According to  his buddy, Dorian Johnson, he and Brown were innocently strolling home after visiting a convenience store when the cop told them to get onto the sidewalk and off the street.

The pair ignored him and kept on walking which seemed to arouse the cop’s suspicions as to whether they might be up to no good. 

He dutifully confronted them and Johnson says the officer then fired at them as they were running away and, after the second shot, ”He shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air and he started to get down.  But the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.”

Johnson adds, “We wasn’t causing harm to nobody. We had no weapons on us at all,” without clarifying whether they have caused any harm in the past or usually carried “weapons.”

In any event, the tragic incident, reminiscent of Trayvon Martin’s 2012 killing in Florida, resulted in huge demonstrations and a massive outpouring of grief over Brown’s death and a candlelight vigil in his honor, as well as an influx of racial agitators including Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice. 

As typical in such cases, widespread looting and burning of Ferguson’s stores and businesses ensued,  undoubtedly also carried out in Brown’s honor. . . (Read more at

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