Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rachel Mennet, a Break from Dreary News

Rachel Mennet, a Break from Dreary News

It's healthful for mind and soul to now and then take a break from the ugly and violent which pervade the news today and reflect on some of the less momentous yet heart warming issues, if only to reassure ourselves that even if the world may be going to hell in the proverbial handbasket if we don’t smile we’ll have to cry.

The story of eight year old Rachel Mennet falls neatly into the genuinely heart warming category.  

Rachel is a little girl endowed with a heart of gold as well as a child who understands the plight and needs of wounded warriors far better than the Veterans’ Administration. 

That federal agency, charged with providing the physical care and overall well-being of our brave servicemen and servicewomen, has proven itself both uncaring and inept and so it is left to good people like Rachel Mennet to fill the void. . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38705.)


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