Ferguson and Michael Brown, Microcosms of MSM
The exceptions invariably include situations in which the criminality has become public knowledge through some source–and almost always when the suspect is white.
The practice of concealing the ethnicity of black suspects pre-dated the Obama administration and was defended by Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould Kern as an effort “to guard against subjecting an entire group of people [blacks] to suspicion” and to forestall racial unrest.
The MSM’s and Kern’s rationale has been repeatedly shown to be an abject failure as evidenced by the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, riots, looting, and burning in premature overreaction to the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson policeman.
If anything, pretending violence among African-Americans isn’t rampant simply fuels more violence by other blacks who may think the media are on their side.
Obama’s media has truly outdone itself with this story, almost outdoing their misrepresentations and outright distortions two years ago involving the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin when they plumbed new depths of journalistic and ethical irresponsibility.
As with Martin, much of the MSM quickly jumped to unfounded conclusions as to Officer Darren Wilson’s guilt as well as concealing details which conflicted with their politically correct political agenda aimed at portraying Brown as the innocent, black victim of endemic, racial prejudice and Wilson as his bigoted, white, merciless executioner.
—They have in effect tried and convicted the six-year police veteran Wilson of murder while depicting the new high school graduate Brown as just another unarmed black kid who was targeted only because of his race.
---They have . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38590.)
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