Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Eradicating Iraqi Christians

Eradicating Iraqi Christians

Thank goodness that, at least according to President Barack Hussein Obama, the war in Iraq is finally over. 

That was certainly the implication when our president fulfilled a campaign pledge by withdrawing most U.S. troops in 2009 thereby washing his hands of the conflict after six bloody years during which we lost 4,486 brave soldiers and 32,222 members of the military were wounded.

Surely, Obama would not have withdrawn our forces had hostilities not ceased.  That would have effectively declared our troops had wasted their time and blood, suffered tens of thousands injuries and given their lives for nothing, and that America had pissed away a trillion dollars of our national treasure on a useless effort.

Well, that’s exactly what our president did and what happened in Iraq subsequent to our bug-out has proven how disastrous fulfilling a campaign promise can be.  Considering that he has failed to come through on most of his hopey-changey pledges, it’s odd that prematurely pulling out of Iraq was so near the top of his priority list, no?

I guess the scholar Obama never studied Gen. Douglas MacArthur who wisely said it makes no sense to get involved in a war unless you were prepared to win it.

It’s not the purpose here to evaluate the merits of the Iraq War which, at this point, will probably go down in history as a defeat, along with our Korea and Viet Nam failures.

Suffice to say, many reports in 2003 had indicated Saddam Hussein still possessed the deadly weapons of mass destruction he had already  employed against his own people and it was widely felt, even by such venerable Democrats as Sen. Ted Kennedy, that he wouldn’t hesitate to use them again.  The fact those WMDs were never found is most likely not attributable to President George W. Bush’s evil designs as much as to Hussein having relocated them in anticipation of an invasion.

That said, following Obama’s bug-out, Iraq has gradually descended into utter chaos as Islamic Sunnis and Shiites reignited their age-old, never ending, fratricidal, civil war.  Many Iraqis have came to wonder whether their lives under the mad Saddam and his psychopathic sons, Uday and Qusay, may have been preferable to living under their corrupt Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Iraqi Christians, however, were much less ambivalent over their Sophie’s Choice than Sunnis and Shiites.  For the most part, they were treated no more brutally than Muslims under the Hussein clan.  That situation, that treatment, radically changed after America abandoned them. . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38330.

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