Monday, July 14, 2014

America's Future under Obama

America's Future under Obama

Now that various polls have indicated many Americans believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst president since World War II, if not the worst president in America’s history, facts many of us have known for five and a half years, the question still remains as to where this proven lawless leader of the Free World will lead our country over the course of the next 30 months.
By all objective indications, our prospects are bleak, at least for those of us who love this country and who genuinely fear this president’s true motivations and hidden intentions.

Setting aside the obvious, his proven incompetence on the economy, in international relations, in securing our borders and, his most flagrant failure, in defending and preserving the Constitution, the former neighborhood organizer, a euphemism for local agitator, Obama still has miles to go before accomplishing his grandest goal, the dissolution of the United States as we now know it and re-establishing this nation as an entity little different from the Third World. 

And, it’s not as if he didn’t warn us of his plans in advance.

In his unscripted contention that Americans should share our wealth and in his stated dedication to the principle of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” (October 2008, Columbia, Mo), candidate Obama had laid out the blueprint for his vision of our future. 

After his handlers got ahold of him, Obama retracted his insistence on fundamentally changing a country not needing such major change, but he has never retracted his commitment to wealth-sharing nor his belief that America was no more exceptional than any other country on the planet, nor his obsession with the ghost of white racism and feigned ignorance of pandemic black, criminal racism.

Lately, too, he has been showing clear signs of his paranoia, (“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president”), an unsettling mental adjunct to his known egotistical nature.

This all constitutes a damning reflection on the democratic process in that so many Americans were apparently not listening to his words, failed to understand their import, or didn’t give a damn either way.

So, where do we go from here, deep into Obama’s second and, constitutionally, final term? . . . (Read more at

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