Saturday, July 19, 2014

Costco and Google vesus Dinesh D'Souza

Costco and Google versus Dinesh D'Souza

In an attempt by Costco’s co-founder and CFO James Sinegal to repress the truth and protect his buddy Barack Hussein Obama, the big box outlet yanked Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary, “America: Imagine A World Without Her,” from its stores on the same day D’Souza’s movie of the same title opened.

In an exhibition of defiant protest against Costco, “America” quickly rose to the top of Amazon’s and the New York Time’s best-seller lists and, soon after, the film had grossed over $8 million despite a very limited number of theaters willing to show it and despite Google’s concerted efforts to make it difficult for potential moviegoers to locate those theaters or to get accurate information about it.

In a tacit admission of defeat, Costco almost as quickly announced it was restocking the book at all its stores, a backtrack surely motivated by expedient greed more than by any sense of fairness and equity toward those who disagree with Mr. Sinegal’s liberal-leftist political views but nevertheless turned out to be a notable victory for conservatives over a corporation’s try to repress dissent.

The American public had not only spoken out against corporate censorship by using Mr. Sinegal’s initial suppression of “America” as an incentive to buy D’Souza’s book and see his movie but they angrily vented against Costco on the company’s Facebook page. . .

On the other hand, the lib-lefties at Google, while acknowledging it had issues concerning “America”, . . . (Read more at

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