Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Straight White Guy Festival"

"Straight White Guy Festival"

America’s liberal-leftist “progressives” are consistently and liberally progressive when it comes to supporting homosexual rights, gay parades, and same-sex marriages.  They are also consistently and liberally progressive on issues related to African-Americans such as the evils of slavery and Jim Crow laws, discriminatory incarceration, and voter-ID restrictions.

However, just let someone schedule a straight, white guy festival and they get their jockeys all in a twist and effectively render their positions nothing more than exercises in socio-politico hypocrisy!

Recently, flyers began appearing in Ohio advertising such a gala for September 20, 2014, 10 AM to 10 PM to be held at Goodale Park located in the Victorian Village area of Columbus.

The flyer provided no details as to what events the festival would feature aside from an “open stage” and listed only a few prohibitions, including no drugs and no BYOB, although it did indicate that beer would be available, (probably at an exorbitant price).

Well, let me tell you, the lib-left was highly indignant . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=38229.)

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